PRFCA's Colours of the Peace - Subtle and Wild

on now until June 1st, 2024 at the Peace Gallery North in Ft. St. John, BC! 

Click on the image below to view the show online




Virtual Opening and Award Winners - Colours of the Peace - Subtle and Wild



The Ft. St. John Summer School of Art - Printmaking


4 Two Day Workshops! August, 2023 in Ft. St. John, BCSpacer

 Creativity at its finest!

Our first Ft. St. John Summer School of Arts Printmaking Program was a huge success! A huge thanks to our instructors. Alain Costas and Victoria Edgarr for sharing their extensive knowledge covering Printmaking the Figure, Jig-Saw Relief, Mark making and Intaglio, and printmaking Beyond Lino! A big shout out to our co-sponsors the Flying Colors Art group, Donna Bozarth (workshop coordinator) and everyone who attended the sold out series! Hopefully we can do this again next summer!


We have more workshops coming up... stay tuned  for details!




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